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The incurabe cancer of bureacracy in both the NHS, business and society, favoured by both left and right has now killed their patient, the voter.

You are rigt abiut fear. Fear as to whether we can say this or that, fear whether we can do this or that, ,ear whether we require a certifciate, fear nor knowing if we should ask for training, fear we have lost our ability to think, speak and act as our common sence tells us.

Less armed forces, less police, less Doctors, less Priest to spead the word, yet thousands of extra civil servants and an increase staff at Church headquarters in fourteen yhears.

The State now owns us mind body and soul, hence our fear

No darkenss can kill the light of a candle of hope, it will take skills and time to light manhy again to brighton our lives.

A reading of the contract Nigel Farage has drawn up as a promise for a brighter future is worth a read and perhaps a vote for that candle of light we alll wish in our lives.

NB Consent to correspond once given by Horsham Distric Council certificate Noi 937y459819. Horsham District Council training certificate to correspond 28453289B

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