Grenfell, spot on expect one interesting window I invite you to look through.
If this block was one on my comanes blocks there would be no enquiry other than the decsion of the Jury as to whether we had been negligent, Within a short space ocf time our Directors would be in prison
Why the enquiry,? To learn lessons and move forwatrd and no court case? Becuase the block was indirectly Government owned and manged by Kensigton Conservative Council whose management of fire prevention was appalling.
The enquiry is in two parts, the first from the point of fire, years later we will get the results of the report from the statt of the fire. By then the wound will have almost heaed so a decison to learn lessons and move forwrd will be acceptable.
Many thanks Brian. I agree they have an interest in kicking the can down the road. I'm hoping Keir Starmer will want to speed up convictions, as he did with the rioters. Blessings G
Well done Fr George
Grenfell, spot on expect one interesting window I invite you to look through.
If this block was one on my comanes blocks there would be no enquiry other than the decsion of the Jury as to whether we had been negligent, Within a short space ocf time our Directors would be in prison
Why the enquiry,? To learn lessons and move forwatrd and no court case? Becuase the block was indirectly Government owned and manged by Kensigton Conservative Council whose management of fire prevention was appalling.
The enquiry is in two parts, the first from the point of fire, years later we will get the results of the report from the statt of the fire. By then the wound will have almost heaed so a decison to learn lessons and move forwrd will be acceptable.
Many thanks Brian. I agree they have an interest in kicking the can down the road. I'm hoping Keir Starmer will want to speed up convictions, as he did with the rioters. Blessings G